Salsa Verde Crock Pot Chicken

IMG_20151129_171955803This is absolutely one of my favorites. You can’t get much easier than this recipe. Not only is it easy and good, but it is HEALTHY and goes a long way.

This recipe was shared in a private Facebook group while I was coaching an outstanding group doing my 21 day No Added Sugar Challenge. I added a little twist on the original recipe to kick it up a notch.

Salsa Verde Crock Pot Chicken

-5-6 Chicken Breast

-2 tsp cumin

-1 tsp black pepper

-1 tsp garlic powder

-1 Jar of Salsa Verde (read your ingredients and make sure it is all good and healthy ingredients)

-Frank’s Hot Sauce (to your liking) I add about 1 Tablespoon. If you don’t like a little kick then add 1/2 Tablespoon.

Add chicken to crock pot and sprinkle with seasonings and Frank’s Hot Sauce. Pour Salsa on top. Cook on low 6-7 hours or high about 3. Shred chicken when done. It may be a little watery, depending on the brand of salsa you use. If so, just spoon out some of the water. No biggie!

Serve over brown rice, quinoa, spinach salad (my favorite way) or in a corn tortilla. Top with some cilantro and fresh avocado. Bam! Dinner is served.

You should have left overs depending on how many you are feeding. I eat on this for about 3 days. This is a great recipe to plan to fix when you know your week is going to be a busy one. (Remember that planning and preparing to help you stay on track😊)

Let me know if you try it!

Much Love,

Jennie B


What does That Seal Mean?

Do you know what the USDA Organic seal REALLY means? Do you get confused as to what you should buy organic and if it is worth spending the extra money. I hope to make this as plain and simple as I can and help you understand what the organic seal really means. 2000px-USDA_organic_seal.svg

Okay, so you go to the store and you see a product that says it is organic. First off it has to have the USDA seal on it to be certified organic. Now, there are three different components to this.

  1. 100% Certified Organic – This means that EVERYTHING in that product is organic. You will not see the 100% Certified Organic very often. You will usually see just Certified Organic.
  2. Certified Organic – This means that at least 95% of the ingredients in a processed food is organic.
  3. Made with Organic ingredients – This does not contain the seal but can say “Contains organic ingredients” or “Made with organic ingredients” and either of these can be stated on the packaging. This means that 70% of the ingredients must be organic and those ingredients will be found in the ingredients list.

An added bonus to buying organic is that you are also buying nonGMO. In order for anything to be certified as organic is also cannot contain any genetically modified organisms. You can read more on GMOs by clicking HERE.

I know, it can get SO confusing. One thing I want you to remember is that just because a product is “Organic” DOES NOT mean it is good for us. There is “organic” crap out there just like there is non organic crap. Yes, there is organic sugar, but guess what? It is still sugar! There are organic cookies, but they are still cookies made with organic crap! Get the point?

What should you buy organic? This is where you will have to decide for yourself what is most beneficial for you and your family. I know most of us cannot afford to buy everything organic or have access to everything organic. For myself and my family I try to purchase organic foods that we eat the most. For instance, my son drinks cows milk everyday, therefore I have had him on organic milk since a baby. I eat spinach everyday, therefore I buy organic spinach. We all three eat an apple everyday, so I buy organic apples. A great way to purchase organic foods is to join a local CSA and to shop at your local farmers market. An added plus to this is you are supporting your local farmers. Be sure to ask if any pesticides or chemicals are used when buying local. Also it is great to stock on fruits and veggies when they are in season and then freeze or can them to have all year round.

You may be thinking, what is recommended that you should buy organic? Produce wise a good rule of thumb is if you eat the entire fruit or vegetable, try to purchase organic. Example, you don’t eat the peeling of a banana but you do an apple. The dirty dozen (plus two) and clean fifteen break it down:


Now, meats, poultry and dairy. In order for livestock to be considered organic they must eat organic feed, have access to the outdoors and not be given antibiotics, hormones and any animal by products.  Let’s think about this, non organic livestock is shot up with steroids (so they can grow faster and bigger) to produce more, they are given antibiotics, fed GMO feed, etc. We then eat them. We eat what they eat. This also holds true for their milk supply. Everything they are given gets into their milk supply, so we end up drinking all that mess too. The same goes for poultry and eggs too. Hmmm…don’t you think meats, eggs and dairy should be purchased as organic?

When looking at what you should be purchasing organic I would encourage you to sit down and evaluate what you and your family eat the most of that you should try to purchase organic. I do want to make one thing clear. If you cannot afford organic that is OK! A non organic apple is much better than a bag of chips. I also encourage you to shop around and pay attention to prices when shopping. You may be very surprised! For instance, organic Kale at our local Kroger is $0.99 and non organic Kale is $0.99. Why would you NOT buy the organic? Organic apples at Trader Joes are $0.79 an apple which is cheaper than a non organic apple. You may have to do a little homework but in the long run it is very much worth it knowing you are feeding your temple and your families temples better.

Much Love,

Jennie B


References: and greener



GMO’s are genetically modified (or engineered) organisms that have been altered in a way that does not occur naturally in our environment. Simply put, humans are producing the crops, not nature, the way they were intended to be produced. This is the kind of food I want to eat. NOT! The bad part is, GMO’s are in so much and we don’t even realize it! If it is not stated as nonGMO on the label, or organic, then you are eating food, or crap as I like to call it, that is either totally genetically modified or an ingredient has been genetically modified. If you want assurance that you are not eating GMOs the best bet is to buy foods that are certified organic. If it is organic it can not be a GMO or contain any GMOs in the product.

The top five genetically modified foods are…

  1. Soy
  2. Corn
  3. Cotton
  4. Canola
  5. Sugar Beets

While the order of the top five shift from time to time, an average of 85-95% of these crops produced have been genetically modified. Now you may be thinking, well I don’t eat ANY soy. I eat corn on the cob in the summer, occasionally. I don’t bake with Canola oil. Sugar Beets? Who uses sugar beets? Okay, so lets think about this. Corn…corn is in like everything, corn is one big ole by product in a lot of crap. What is HFCS (High Fructose CORN Syrup) made from? CORN! What is corn starch made from? CORN! What is Dextrose made from? CORN! What do all these have in common? If you eat anything that comes out of a plant, not a growing plant in nature, a plant like a distribution plant, you are more than likely eating a product that contains some GMOs. The only way to know that you are not eating GMOs is if it has the nonGMO or Organic stamp on it. I know, it can get very confusing.

So, what about the Sugar Beet. If you follow me you know I HATE sugar and anything that has to do with sugar. Sugar is hidden under so many different names and guess what, most of them are A.) Derived from Corn or B.) They are just straight up genetically modified. Here again this just adds another layer of “badness” that the food industry is “feeding” us. Did you get the pun there? Haha! Sugar is bad, it is hidden under SO many different names and now you find out you are eating genetically modified sugar! Shew, just another reason to eat real food! Right?

Hmmm…Real Food, well if you go to the store and get some corn for that cookout this weekend and it is not organic, guess what…you are probably buying genetically modified corn. I know, you are like, well geez, what can I eat? I know everyone cannot afford EVERYTHING organic. I can’t! Therefore what my family eats the most of I try to purchase organic. I do want to point out a lot of times organic is not much more expensive and actually sometimes cheaper. You have to shop and compare. Also a great thing to do is purchase fresh fruits and vegetables when in season, from a local farmer that you trust or join a CSA and put things up so you have them all year round. You know, like they did in the good ole days.

Now…lets touch on dairy and meat just a bit. A cow eats feed that is genetically modified. Then gets shot up with hormones to make it grow bigger, faster. A cow gets sick. The cow gets antibiotics. Where does all this stuff go? Muscles, bloodstream, in their milk. Uuummm, do you know where I am going with this? Who eats the meat and drinks their milk? What are you eating and drinking? Yep, all that crap! I love this saying, “You are what I eat.” (If animals could talk).

I hope you have a better understanding of GMOs. This post could go on and on. From Monsanto (the world’s largest genetically modified producer) to the pesticides used on GMO’s. A REALLY good documentary to watch on GMOs is GMO/OMG. I learned a lot from just watching it.

Much Love,


References,, consumer


Juicing vs Blending

Juicing IS NOT the same as blending and vice versa!Juicing-v-Blending1

If you are using a BLENDER and think you are juicing you are NOT! You would be making a smoothie or a shake if it is made in a blender. Juicing is JUST the juice and you use a juicer, which extracts the juice and leaves you with the pulp. When you make a smoothie or shake, you are blending the WHOLE fruit and vegetable. Both juicing and blending are wonderful ways to get in a variety of fruits and veggies and both provide you with all kinds of health benefits. The picture over  ☞ is a great visual.

The Low Down on Juicing…

In the picture below you can see how much whole food it takes to get one decent size glass of juice. This yields about 1 1/2 cups of juice.Jucing Ingr When juicing, for the health benefits, you should try to stay with just one piece of fruit. Why? Because fruit does have sugar (fructose). Yes is naturally occurring and you are probably saying to yourself, “But you tell me that fruit is good for us and it is okay to eat?” Yes, fruit is good for us and the naturally occurring sugar is okay for us to consume as well but you want to eat your fruit more than you drink it. Think of it this way. To get one cup of apple juice you would have to juice approximately five apples, depending on the size. That is a lot of apples and a lot of sugar. Now, do you think you could sit down and eat five apples at one time? Probably not! The whole apple fills you up because of it’s fiber. This is why you want to stay with one piece of fruit when juicing. Make sense?

Juicing = Micronutrients

When you juice, you get micronutrients from the fruits and vegetables. What is micronutrients? It is the vitamin and minerals from those fruits and vegetables. If  you remember from 🔝 the juice is extracted and you are left with the pulp (the fiber). Why is this beneficial? The benefits of micronutrients are that you get immediate absorption of all that goodness from the fruits and vegetables due to your body not having to break anything down (the fiber and such). It also gives your digestive tract a rest which is a good thing from time to time.

The Low Down on Blending…

When you use a blender you are making either a smoothie or shake. A smoothie being your fruits and vegetables and a shake being a protein shake. When using your blender you do still want to watch those fruits, but think about it this way again. Would you blend 5 apples? Probably not! That would be one gigantic smoothie! Blending is a great way to get in greens. If you are not a greens eater try putting a handful of spinach in your next smoothie/shake. Spinach has such a mild flavor you won’t even taste it. Another advantage of blending all kinds of goodness is that you can have a complete meal in no time! You can add protein like a protein powder or plain yogurt. You can add healthy fats like a nut butter, almonds, ground flax seed, avocado, etc. The sky is the limit. Making smoothies/shakes is such a great, easy, fast and healthy way to whip up some goodness, especially for breakfast.

Blending = Macronutrients 

When you use a blender you are consuming the whole fruit and vegetable therefore you are getting the macronutrients, which means you are getting the benefits of the whole fruit and vegetable. When we consume the whole food our body has to work to break those nutrients down therefore the nutrients are released into the body much slower over time as opposed to juicing when it is immediate.

Which do I prefer? BOTH! You cannot go wrong with either! They both provide us with wonderful health benefits. I mean, anytime you are consuming fruit and vegetables it is a good thing. Right? Disclaimer: as long as your fruit is not being consumed in a “dessert” way or your veggies are smothered in butter or cheese. 😉

Some information for ya…a good documentary to watch on juicing is Fat Sick and Nearly Dead.

Much Love,

Jennie B



Jennie B’s Kinda like Chili Soup

One thing I always look forward to, when coaching a group of peeps, are the shared recipes.IMG_20160122_184106872

In my 21 Day Full Body Detox one of my Detox Warriors shared a recipe for a Kale and bean soup. While it was good (to me) my boys would not eat it, so I put Jennie B’s twist on it. They Loved it. My husband even said it is his new favorite. Whoa! I must of done good!

Kinda Like Chili Soup

-1 small onion

-1 tsp EVO

-2 can diced tomatoes

-1 can great northern beans

-1 can chili hot beans

-2 cooked chicken breast (I boiled mine)

-2 cups chopped Kale

-2 Tbs chilli powder

-1/2 tsp cumin

-1/2 tsp black pepper

-1/2 tsp garlic powder

Few shots of Frank’s Hot Sauce (optional)

I your pot sauté your onion with EVO, cook until transparent. In a blender, blend the 2 cans of tomatoes. Add tomatoes to the onions. Then add remaining ingredients, minus the Kale. Add the Kale towards the end and it is ready when the Kale has wilted.

Enjoy! And as always I would Love feedback if you fix it.

Much Love,



Healthy Sweet Potato, Apple and Parsnip Bake

Sweet PotatosThis is truly about as healthy as you can get!

Nothing but real food, a little water and (my favorite spice) cinnamon.

A couple of Thanksgiving’s ago I wanted to do something different for the “sweet potato” dish. My husband and I love sweet potatoes. We eat them almost everyday. Nine times out of ten you can find a couple already baked in our fridge. Why? Because when you plan and prepare you have things cooked sitting your fridge ready to heat up. Right? Anyways, sweet potatoes are by far my favorite complex (good) carb. I literally could eat one at every meal. I know, I’m weird. So, I searched the internet for recipes and found a couple that sounded good. Most of them called for honey, brown sugar or maple syrup but being that sweet potatoes and apples natural sugar I thought I could pull it off without adding any kind of sweetener. Guess what? It worked! Talk about good!

The Recipe

Bake four good size sweet potatoes until almost done. Peel and slice.

Peel 2-3 baking apples (I like granny smith’s)

1 large Parsnip

2 Tbs water

Sprinkle Cinnamon on top

Cover and bake at 350 for about 25 minutes. Uncover and check. Continue baking if need be.

Note: I peel and slice the apples then cut the slice in half. I also put in a slice of a parsnip every other layer. If you really like parsnips use two and layer however you wish. As I am typing I just thought, eew, you could chop up some pecans and sprinkle on top. Pumpkin seeds would be good too. Add your own touch and let me know how your touch turns out.





Jennie B Got, GOT

Yep…I got, GOT! Me being me, you would think I would know better and that I would have done my research before purchasing something new to me, Teavana teas, especially when  you pay such a high price. Well, Teavana sucked me in and after spending a pretty penny and not doing my research first, I was just about sick at my stomach once I realized what I had just bought for my family and I to drink! UGH!!!Teavana

Here’s how it all went down…

I have started drinking more tea. Especially green tea and a night time tea. The ones I had been drinking, Traditional Medicinals and Yogi, are a third of the price and they are organic and nonGMO teas. I wanted to get some different teas for my husband to try that might help with his Rheumatoid Arthritis and thought I could get a “fun one” that our son might enjoy drinking as well (Hence the berries you will read about further down). I have never purchased anything from Teavana, because of their price tag. BUT I had a little extra Christmas money and thought I would treat us all with some of their wonderful teas. Well, guess what, their teas are not so wonderful. Oh and a side note, you are also advised to buy tins to store the tea in and you need something to steep the loss leaf teas.

Have you ever been into a Teavana store? They always have samples for you to taste. They are really yummy if I do say so myself. They start telling you all about their teas while handing you more samples to drink. They will pull out different teas from behind the counter and wave the lids back and forth above the teas for you to smell how scrumptious they are. Oh they smell SO good, some of them you almost want to eat they smell so darn good! Some even have dehydrated berries, coconut, pineapple, etc. which just adds to the whole yummy experience. Very impressive! Right? Well, Jennie B got GOT. I came home all excited about my tea purchases. I fixed my husband and I a cup tea. The teas were very good and he actually liked his. We sat on the couch together enjoying our tea (I know, doesn’t this just sound lovely). Then it hit me! I said to my husband (while drinking my tea), “Surely this is an organic and nonGMO tea? I didn’t even ask that question? With the price I just paid for all of this they better be organic and nonGMO” All the while I am opening the Mac to do my research, which I should have done before hand. What did I find? Well, it is NOT organic or nonGMO! Damn It! (Excuse my French, but that is what I said!) I say to the hubs, “What I have been drinking is a third of the price, comes in a bag, (that’s a whole nother blog about the chemicals in the bag) is organic and nonGMO!”  One of the sources I used is Food Babe who has done some great research on teas. If you would like to read a more in depth blog on teas check hers out.

Next step…

I could not get to the phone fast enough to call the store and ask them if my findings were true? I told the employee that answered the phone my concerns AND I told her that it was partly my fault for not doing my homework before purchasing their products, as well as, not asking questions while I was in the store. (But remember I was in heaven while sampling and smelling those tasty teas all while I was being told about what each teas health benefit can be). Her response to my question of, “Are your teas organic and/or nonGMO?” was,  “I’m sorry but we, as employees, are not allowed to comment on your concerns. You will have to call customer service.” WHAT? Oh yeah, you know what I did, I called customer service. Their mailbox was full so I emailed them.

This is my email I copied and pasted. I sent this on January 16, 2016 and have not heard back as of Jan. 20th.

Hello there! I bought four different types of your teas the other day. It was my fault for not doing my homework before I purchased your teas, but when I got home and my family and I each had a cup of tea I got to thinking. I didn’t even ask if their teas are certified organic, NonGMO and Fair Trade certified. As I started researching via the internet I became very disappointed in my findings. I called the store and the lady said she could not comment and to contact customer service. So that is what I am doing. I have called with no success in speaking with someone nor am I able to leave a message as it says the voicemail box is full. My stomach sunk when I began reading some of the findings about Teavana teas. I hope to hear from someone soon to answer my question, “Are your teas organic, nonGMO and/or Fair Market certified?” Thank you so much and look forward to your response.

I did call again on the 20th of January and spoke with someone. She answered my question. No their teas are NOT organic, nonGMO and/or fair market certified. Only one of their teas, Matcha, is organic and you will pay about a third more for it than other organic Matcha tea on the market.

The take away…Never Ever assume anything! I know not to assume, as I’m sure you do too. For whatever reason I did assume. I hope that my mistake helps someone else and if by some chance it makes you more aware of what you are drinking when you are drinking your teas then it was worth my assumption.

Much Love,




I Changed My Mind

I Changed My Mind

Well, since I have been writing, writing and writing some more. I wanted to be sure to bring you good content worth reading. You know, something that you would want to share, something that will bring you back. Originally I was going to open up as the #1 thing to do to stay healthy and on track is to plan and prepare. While this is VERY important I feel like it should be  #1 ½.  But…. I got to thinking…(this can be good or this can be bad…HA!) If you are starting from scratch and you are ready to make that forever lifestyle change the #1 thing you need to do is figure out your WHY and set GOALS!

Popeye was onto something

Spinach…one of my favorite superfoods!Spinach in bowl

Why is it considered a Superfood? Because it is packed with SO many nutrients, which makes it really hard to list them all!

Here is the low down on this little green that gives us such a BIG punch!

It is high in…

  1. Zinc
  2. Niacin
  3. Fiber
  4. Vitamins A, B2, B6, C, E & K
  5. Folate
  6. Calcium
  7. Iron
  8. Magnesium
  9. Phosphorus
  10. Potassium
  11. Copper
  12. Omega-3 Fatty Acids

The list could go on and on. Spinach also contains some protein!

Spinach is a very nutrient dense food, meaning that it has such a high nutrient value yet is so low in calories.

Spinach is also loaded with flavonoids, which acts as antioxidants, and helps protect the body against free radicals.

Spinach is on the Dirty Dozen List. You really want to eat organic spinach due to its high content of pesticides when buying nonorganic.

If you are new to spinach, start by adding it into your salads a little at a time. Another GREAT way to get spinach into your diet is add it to your smoothies/protein shakes. I even can hide spinach in our son’s shakes due to the mild flavor. If you like omelets, add some spinach. Do you like soups? Add some spinach. Be creative.

Spinach is…well…just all around good for us. If you do not eat it on a regular basis, you really should try to start incorporating it into your diet. It is on my list of top five foods that should we all should be eating.

Be Happy. Be Healthy. Be You.

Much Love,



Complex Carbs



Have you tried doing one of those so called “no carb or low carb diets”? Finding that you were foggy, lacking energy, etc?

Well that is because our bodies need carbohydrates more than any other nutrient to fuel our cells that they use as energy, as well as, our brains. As carbohydrates pass through the digestive system they are broken down into glucose. Glucose is your brain and your body’s primary fuel.  There are good carbohydrates and there are bad carbohydrates. The GOOD carbohydrates are called Complex carbs. There are all kinds of good/complex carbs making it very easy to fit some into your diet. Your body needs these carbs to run efficiently.