Trader Joes…Oh How I Love Thee

Have you been to a Trader Joes? If you have one that is local, or fairly local, I encourage you to go check them out. They have all kinds of goodness and much of it is cheaper than your bigger grocery stores. I mean just look at this picture of my local Trader Joes. Doesn’t it just look inviting and fun? IMG_20160205_105340398

I want to share with you one of my first experiences at this Trader Joes. Not only do they have good prices on a lot of their items but they also have a good selection of gluten free items. You can click HERE to check out their list of gluten free items.

If you have read my story  you know that my husband is gluten intolerant. When he went totally gluten free I was so overwhelmed!!! From reading books, to surfing the web (because everything on the web is TRUTH! Right? Yes I am being sarcastic). I mean, the whole gluten free thing was not on my radar to learn at that time in my life. Well…I didn’t get to choose when Jennie B learned all about gluten, it was kinda thrown at me. So, I set out to get him off gluten. Please remember that just because something is “gluten free” DOES NOT mean it is healthy! There is gluten free CRAP out there just like there is regular CRAP out there. Anyways, I printed off Trader Joes gluten free list and headed out. I walked into to store (feeling very OVERWHELMED). The experience of Trader Joes is not like your typical grocery store. Just the energy in there alone can get your heart racing, but in a good kinda way. They are totally up beat, fun peeps running the show. I had this list, and a long one list at that, didn’t know where over half the items where in the store and when I would find them I would have to make sure they were in fact GF. They have a little, and I mean little, GF sign on the products that are gluten free, which can be tricky to find. I bet I went back and forth from this aisle to that aisle back to that aisle saying, “Excuse me!”, “Where is this?”, “Where is that?”, “Do you know if you have this?”, etc. I mean I was ready to pull my hair out. I was wishing they served wine at the end of every aisle! No joke! (Yes, I would have drank that wine and called the hubs to come pick me up and all HIS GF groceries). It was an experience, let me tell ya!

That was the then and this is now! I LOVE Trader Joes. I mean I truly get excited about going to TJ’s! I really do, and NO I do not need the wine at the end of every aisle. Lol!

I thought you may enjoy some of my favorite items that I purchase on a regular basis. There is definitely more, but here are some of my top ones. I hope maybe this will inspire you to get to a Trader Joes and also to show you that you can get healthy items cheaper if you shop around.

Organic Apples and Pink Ladies at that!!!!

This is probably my #1 Fav and LOOK at that price!


Organic Liquid Stevia. This is my #2 Fav.


Organic Unrefined, Cold Pressed, Coconut Oil


21 Seasoning Salute (I use this on A LOT)


Organic Quinoa (Frozen, just heat up and serve…Yes please!)


Organic Green Beans


Organic Pears


Organic Brown Basmati Rice


Organic Green Tea


Organic Beets (This one is for the hubs…Jennie cannot stomach beets)


Trader Joes is also a great place to find processed meats that DO NOT contain sodium nitrate or sodium nitrite, one of the top five ingredients we should really try to eliminate from our diet. They also have decent prices on nuts, nut butters, frozen organic veggies, fresh organic veggies like spinach, kale and broccoli.

You can also find skin care products, Vitamin E oil, cleaning products, etc. Like I said up top, if you have not experienced Trader Joes, go check them out.

I would LOVE to hear some of your favorites finds from TJs.

Much Love,

Jennie B

Freeze those Strawberries

Strawberries are coming in! Time to get picking AND freezing! 10277049_540553392721196_5674991866858977377_n

When it’s picking time I get so excited! I guess because it means that winter has come to an end here in the south (YIPEE! I loathe Winter, I really do!) and all kinds of goodness is to be harvested over the next several months. My freezer is becoming empty and is ready to be restocked with all that goodness. Do you and yours go berry picking? If you don’t you should. For many reasons.

  1. You will pay less if you pick them yourself.
  2. You get to pick the berries of your choice.
  3. When you pick any fruit or vegetable yourself you know where it came from. Note: Be sure the farmer does not use any pesticides.
  4. You get to support your local farmers. Now that is a win win for everyone!
  5. Make it a family outing. The little ones typically enjoy picking. (Typically…Lol!)
  6. We should eat fruit and vegetables when in season. This is another win win.
  7. You freeze them and therefore throughout the year you are eating strawberries that are “in season”.
  8. Strawberries are loaded with antioxidants. Eat your strawberries!

How to Freeze Strawberries

It is super easy…

-Wash them off and let them dry.

-Cut tops off (or not if you throw in smoothies or shakes) and place on a cookie sheet, without them touching each other, and flash freeze them. You can cut them in smaller pieces if you desire.

-Once they are frozen pop them off the cookie sheet, while they are frozen, and put in freezer bags.

By not having them touch during the flash freezing process is KEY. This prevents them from clumping together. Don’t you hate that? You know, when you buy frozen fruit and it is one big ole’ clump? It is because they all stuck together due to moisture.

As always I would LOVE to hear from you! Share is caring…if you like what you read please share on your social media outlets.

Much Love,

Jennie B

Popeye was onto something

Spinach…one of my favorite superfoods!Spinach in bowl

Why is it considered a Superfood? Because it is packed with SO many nutrients, which makes it really hard to list them all!

Here is the low down on this little green that gives us such a BIG punch!

It is high in…

  1. Zinc
  2. Niacin
  3. Fiber
  4. Vitamins A, B2, B6, C, E & K
  5. Folate
  6. Calcium
  7. Iron
  8. Magnesium
  9. Phosphorus
  10. Potassium
  11. Copper
  12. Omega-3 Fatty Acids

The list could go on and on. Spinach also contains some protein!

Spinach is a very nutrient dense food, meaning that it has such a high nutrient value yet is so low in calories.

Spinach is also loaded with flavonoids, which acts as antioxidants, and helps protect the body against free radicals.

Spinach is on the Dirty Dozen List. You really want to eat organic spinach due to its high content of pesticides when buying nonorganic.

If you are new to spinach, start by adding it into your salads a little at a time. Another GREAT way to get spinach into your diet is add it to your smoothies/protein shakes. I even can hide spinach in our son’s shakes due to the mild flavor. If you like omelets, add some spinach. Do you like soups? Add some spinach. Be creative.

Spinach is…well…just all around good for us. If you do not eat it on a regular basis, you really should try to start incorporating it into your diet. It is on my list of top five foods that should we all should be eating.

Be Happy. Be Healthy. Be You.

Much Love,
