My Story – Who is Jennie?

Everybody has a story, Right?

Read what led me to becoming a Certified Holistic Nutritionist.2014-09-03 18.14.25

Thank you SO very much for stopping by!

  Okay…so here it is…

I was very active growing up. I took dance, cheered, played a little (hence a little) softball, etc. Went to college(had fun), got married(still had fun) and YEP put on that weight by having too much fun and not caring about what I was putting in my body. I ate a lot of fast food, cheap food and unhealthy food. I went in for a yearly check up and thanks to my OB she pointed out my weight gain and told me that if I did not get a hold of it, it would become a problem. I do praise her for talking to me about that, because in the medical field Dr.’s tend not to tell their patients, “Hey, you really need to lose that weight, or else!” Now, I was not given any resources to turn to or nutritional advice. I did it on my own! I lost the weight over a years time by making changes in my diet, as well as, I started exercising. At that point in my life I wasn’t concerned with  “what” I was feeding my body, I just wanted to be thin. Well being “THIN” does not equal “HEALTHY”. I didn’t care…But I should have! The “caring” part comes later.

Here comes the BABY… 

It wasn’t until after our son was born in 2005 that I really started becoming aware of what we were putting in his little body, which in return, what I was putting in my body. Leading me to want to learn about what truly is in our foods. This is when the whole eating “Healthy” and “Clean”, for me and my family, started. I started researching and learning what we should eat, what we should not eat and WHY!

Now the HUSBAND has issues…

Then in October 2011 my husband was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis. This intensified my wanting to know more. We need to keep him as healthy as we can due to his immune system being suppressed not only from the RA but from the meds he takes. We later found out in October 2013 that he is also gluten intolerant. So… I had to learn about gluten.

What I LOVE…

Over the years individuals have approached me wanting to know how my family and I live a healthy lifestyle and wanting help with theirs. This has lead me to where I am today which is helping others Live Life Healthy, realistically, and make that forever lifestyle change. Now, are my eating habits PERFECT? Of course not!  80% of the time I eat clean, good, nutritious, healthy food. By having the knowledge and awareness truly makes all the difference. It is crazy all the CRAP that is put in food and I hesitate to call that CRAP “food”. How many items are in your pantry that you can pronounce all of the ingredients? You may be surprised. Then there is sugar…it is in SO much. Then there is our meat…all the hormones and antibiotics. The drinks that are just awful. Oh, I could go on and on.

My hope is to help those wanting to make that forever healthy lifestyle change. With my dedication, inspiration and motivation I will educate you on how you too, can ex out the dieting, the don’t know where to start, the I get so overwhelmed with all the controversially info., etc. and be on the road  to Being Happy, Being Healthy, and most importantly, Being YOU!

I Walk what I Talk!

Much Love,


Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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