Popeye was onto something

Spinach…one of my favorite superfoods!Spinach in bowl

Why is it considered a Superfood? Because it is packed with SO many nutrients, which makes it really hard to list them all!

Here is the low down on this little green that gives us such a BIG punch!

It is high in…

  1. Zinc
  2. Niacin
  3. Fiber
  4. Vitamins A, B2, B6, C, E & K
  5. Folate
  6. Calcium
  7. Iron
  8. Magnesium
  9. Phosphorus
  10. Potassium
  11. Copper
  12. Omega-3 Fatty Acids

The list could go on and on. Spinach also contains some protein!

Spinach is a very nutrient dense food, meaning that it has such a high nutrient value yet is so low in calories.

Spinach is also loaded with flavonoids, which acts as antioxidants, and helps protect the body against free radicals.

Spinach is on the Dirty Dozen List. You really want to eat organic spinach due to its high content of pesticides when buying nonorganic.

If you are new to spinach, start by adding it into your salads a little at a time. Another GREAT way to get spinach into your diet is add it to your smoothies/protein shakes. I even can hide spinach in our son’s shakes due to the mild flavor. If you like omelets, add some spinach. Do you like soups? Add some spinach. Be creative.

Spinach is…well…just all around good for us. If you do not eat it on a regular basis, you really should try to start incorporating it into your diet. It is on my list of top five foods that should we all should be eating.

Be Happy. Be Healthy. Be You.

Much Love,



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