Jennie B’s Healthy Fried Rice

Do you or someone in your house hold like that greasy fried rice you get at your local Chinese restaurant? My son Loves it…I mean he could eat it everyday I do believe.IMG_1113

I wanted to come up with a “Healthy” version of the good ole Chinese Restaurants Fried Rice…I did AND it has been a HIT!

Did you know that local Chinese restaurant of yours uses white rice? Which is a bad (simple) carb. Now some may argue and say white rice is an okay carb, but white rice has been stripped of the majority of its nutrients and of its fiber. Brown rice is what you will find being served in Jennie B’s kitchen. My favorite is Trader Joe’s Organic Brown Basmati Rice. Brown rice is a complex (good) carb. It provides us with nutrients and fiber.

Jennie B’s Fried Rice Recipe

Cook your rice as directed.

-1 cup of your cooked Organic Brown Rice

-1 scrambled Egg

-1 tsp of EVO

-1-2 tsp of Organic Soy Sauce (I use Gluten Free) If it is organic than it is nonGMO

Scramble your egg first in a skillet. Then add your cooked rice, EVO and soy sauce. Continue to stir and get the rice a little “fried”. You are pulling that moisture out a bit by doing this. Add a little pepper if you’d like and it is ready.

Adding pulled or diced Chicken Breast is also very good. Serve it up with a salad and you have a balanced meal!

NOTE: If you are fixing this for more than two or three people you need to double the recipe.

As always, please let me know if you fix it and your thoughts!

Also, don’t forget the share bars for your social media outlets that can be found at the top and bottom of all my post. Share the LOVE.

Much Love,

Jennie B



Healthy Sweet Potato, Apple and Parsnip Bake

Sweet PotatosThis is truly about as healthy as you can get!

Nothing but real food, a little water and (my favorite spice) cinnamon.

A couple of Thanksgiving’s ago I wanted to do something different for the “sweet potato” dish. My husband and I love sweet potatoes. We eat them almost everyday. Nine times out of ten you can find a couple already baked in our fridge. Why? Because when you plan and prepare you have things cooked sitting your fridge ready to heat up. Right? Anyways, sweet potatoes are by far my favorite complex (good) carb. I literally could eat one at every meal. I know, I’m weird. So, I searched the internet for recipes and found a couple that sounded good. Most of them called for honey, brown sugar or maple syrup but being that sweet potatoes and apples natural sugar I thought I could pull it off without adding any kind of sweetener. Guess what? It worked! Talk about good!

The Recipe

Bake four good size sweet potatoes until almost done. Peel and slice.

Peel 2-3 baking apples (I like granny smith’s)

1 large Parsnip

2 Tbs water

Sprinkle Cinnamon on top

Cover and bake at 350 for about 25 minutes. Uncover and check. Continue baking if need be.

Note: I peel and slice the apples then cut the slice in half. I also put in a slice of a parsnip every other layer. If you really like parsnips use two and layer however you wish. As I am typing I just thought, eew, you could chop up some pecans and sprinkle on top. Pumpkin seeds would be good too. Add your own touch and let me know how your touch turns out.





Complex Carbs



Have you tried doing one of those so called “no carb or low carb diets”? Finding that you were foggy, lacking energy, etc?

Well that is because our bodies need carbohydrates more than any other nutrient to fuel our cells that they use as energy, as well as, our brains. As carbohydrates pass through the digestive system they are broken down into glucose. Glucose is your brain and your body’s primary fuel.  There are good carbohydrates and there are bad carbohydrates. The GOOD carbohydrates are called Complex carbs. There are all kinds of good/complex carbs making it very easy to fit some into your diet. Your body needs these carbs to run efficiently.