Complex Carbs



Have you tried doing one of those so called “no carb or low carb diets”? Finding that you were foggy, lacking energy, etc?

Well that is because our bodies need carbohydrates more than any other nutrient to fuel our cells that they use as energy, as well as, our brains. As carbohydrates pass through the digestive system they are broken down into glucose. Glucose is your brain and your body’s primary fuel.  There are good carbohydrates and there are bad carbohydrates. The GOOD carbohydrates are called Complex carbs. There are all kinds of good/complex carbs making it very easy to fit some into your diet. Your body needs these carbs to run efficiently.

Now this doesn’t mean “Oh good, whole grain breads/pasta is good for me? You are telling me it is okay to eat carbs? Then I will eat all I want of it!” Ummm…NO! Like anything else, everything in moderation. With your breads make sure you are eating one that does not have added “stuff”. You want the first ingredient to say WHOLE in any kind of whole grain food that is processed. Whether it be bread, pasta, cereals, etc. My bread of choice is Ezekiel bread, a sprouted bread. You can read more on what is Ezekiel bread by clicking here.

Here is a list of “GOOD CARBS” to go by…

  • Brown Rice
  • Quinoa
  • Oats
  • Beans
  • Barley
  • Vegetables
  • Fruits
  • Sweet Potatoes (not white potatoes)
  • Whole Grain Breads
  • Whole Grain Pastas
  • Whole Grain Cereals


While some fruits tend to have a higher natural sugar content, they are still a complex/good carb. They have not been processed. All vegetables, in their natural form, minus white potatoes, are complex/good carbs.


Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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