May 11

May 11 – Whole Wheat/Grain Breads

Whole grain and/or whole wheat breads are a good carb as long as it is a true whole grain/wheat bread. You have to read the ingredients to make sure the first word is WHOLE. Nothing enriched. You also want to make sure there is not other junk in there like high fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated oils, etc.

May 10

May 10 – Vegetables

Most vegetables are considered good carbs. I have found that some say white potatoes and corn maybe not so much, yet others say yes they are. Either way they are a better choice to eat over potato chips. Lol! Vegetables provide us with the nutrients and fiber the way nature intended. Eat your veggies! Just don’t smoother them with margarine, cheese, ranch dressing, etc.

May 9

May 9 – Whole Grain/Wheat Crackers

Actually whole grain/wheat crackers can be a good carb or a bad carb depending on the brand. You have to look at the ingredient list. It has to have whole as the first ingredient and then you want just 2-3 other ingredients that you are familiar with to follow after the initial “whole”. Nothing enriched, artificial, etc. and organic is best. Back to Nature Harvest Whole Wheat is a good example. 

May 8

May 8 – Chips

While chips are probably a no brainer, I do want to list some of the more obvious bad (simple) carbs that a lot of people eat regularly. Chips my friends have no nutritional value. They are a very bad carbohydrate. They are also loaded with fat and bad fat at that. Try to skip the chips.

May 7

May 7 – Ezekiel Bread

Ezekiel Bread is a great option if you are bread eater. It is a sprouted bread. You typically will find it in the freezer section because it does not have any preservatives in it and therefore its shelf life is very short. If you have not tried Ezekiel Bread give it a shot. Click HERE to read a little post on Ezekiel Bread.

May 6

May 6 – White Rice

While some may argue that white rice is an okay carb, coming from me it isn’t so much. Why? Because majority of its nutrition has been stripped as well as its fiber. That is why it is “white”.  Brown rice is a much better option when you want to eat rice.

May 5

May 5 – Beans

Beans are a complex carbohydrate that also serves a great protein source. They are also loaded with both soluble and insoluble fiber. Have you ever noticed when you eat beans that you tend to get that full feeling rather quickly? That is because it provides you with all the above. So, eat your beans, in a healthy way of course.

May 4

May 4 – White Bread

White Bread is a BAD (simple) carb. When you eat white bread you are eating empty calories, which means you are not getting any nutrition, in short. With white bread any nutrition has been stripped, it is usually bleached. Try replacing with a whole wheat or whole grain bread.

May 3

May 3 – Oatmeal

Oatmeal…Oh how I love oatmeal. I eat oatmeal almost daily for breakfast as it is a good carb and is loaded with nutrients and fiber. It aids in stabilizing blood sugar, lowers cholesterol and helps us stay fuller longer due its soluble fiber content. Oats are a good source of manganese, copper and B1 just to name a few. If you do not incorporate oats in your diet, you should!

May 2

May 2 – Pasta

Pasta!!! Ugh…if you eat regular ole pasta please switch to whole wheat or whole grain pasta. Regular pasta has NO nutritional value and is totally processed. It is a bad (simple) carb. It is a high glycemic food. Another thing to remember is any pasta is high in calories.