How Jennie can help YOU!

I am a Certified Holistic Nutritionist, Nutritious Life Certified and a Weight Loss/Wellness Coach.2014-09-03 17.52.20

What is that exactly?

Well…I teach YOU about Real Food! I teach YOU, what YOU should and should not be eating and WHY. I do this for what fits YOU and your lifestyle. I help YOU make that forever, healthy, lifestyle change REALISTICALLY. Together, we figure out what will work  in your crazy, hectic world!

Most of my clients come to me because they are unhealthy and/or need to lose some weight. By making that forever lifestyle change and having someone by your side and hold YOU accountable (which I WILL) is huge for most people’s success. With my knowledge, inspiration and motivation you will be on the road to a life of health and wellness once and for all. No more yo-yo dieting, taking extreme measures to lose that five pounds before you leave for vacation, no more “I will start AGAIN on Monday!”, etc. When that forever lifestyle change is made, all that goes down the drain! How do I know this…because I live it! Now, do I eat “clean” and “healthy” 100% of the time? NO! I am human, just like you. Do I indulge some? Absolutely!  The KEY is being consistent.  Knowing that when YOU  indulge a little it is OK and everything is not thrown out the window. You get right back on track because you have made that forever lifestyle change and you know how to overcome the mindset of, “Well I have screwed up, again, so screw it!” You go down that road of “screwing it” for a few weeks or a couple of months. Then you are ready to try something, again, yet you end up right back where you started with the whole “Well, I have screwed up!” With all that being said, if this sounds like you this is where that consistency comes into play. You probably are being consistent in what you are doing NOW and that is why you see no change. So…what do you have to lose to start making that forever healthy lifestyle change? Are you ready to Be Happy. Be Healthy. Be YOU? This is where a coach can help you.

You can read more in an article Women of Wilson that was written in our local paper as well as My Story!

Much Love,



Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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